Home Books Living with Depression

Living with Depression
  • Authored by: Allen R. Miller, Ph.D.
  • From the Series: Teen's Guides
  • Trim Size: 6 X 9
  • ISBN-10: 0816063451
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-8160-6345-1
  • Status: In Stock
  • List Price: $49.95
  • Imprint: Facts On File
  • Published: 11/01/2007
  • Dewey Number: 618.92
  • Reading Level: Grades 6-12
  • Pages: 208


Major depressive disorder is caused by a combination of brain chemistry, family history, distorted thinking, and a person’s emotional environment, according to most experts. Depression affects as many as one in eight teens, yet many young people with depression don't receive the help they need. With medication and therapy, depression can be treated and controlled.

Written in clear, straightforward language, Living with Depression examines this disease and provides teens with the information they need to understand the nature of depression and its treatments. Sidebars, appendixes, and further reading guide additional exploration of this timely topic. This accessible guide is ideal for readers living with depression or those who have family members or friends who are coping with it.


Index. Appendixes. Glossary. Sidebars. Further reading.

About the Author(s)

Allen R. Miller, Ph.D., is a founding fellow of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy. He is a licensed psychologist with extensive clinical experience and has devoted much of his time and work to the study of mood and anxiety disorders. Miller is the director of WellSpan Behavioral Health Services of Southcentral Pennsylvania and is a member of the American Psychological Association. He is also the coauthor of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Personality Profiles. He lives in Windsor, Pennsylvania.

Reviews and Awards

"...straightforward...a comprehensive and up-to-date resource on depression. Written in a clear and uncomplicated style..."

"...accessible, sensibly organized...offers young adults concise information about depression and its treatments...a timely, useful resource."

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